Thursday 29 May 2008

My Metaphoric Mind

It's always interesting to read old diaries and blog entries that I have made. This afternoon I read an old diary of mine and as always I made myself laugh. It's not what I wrote that made me laugh, it's how I chose to write it and the weird symbolism I used to describe my thoughts.

But, it's always been like that and always will. People don't write well. They think well. It's not writings that interest me. It's what goes on in the mind of the writer. The thought world. That's where the creativity lies.

And I don't have excellently brilliant thoughts but they are okay. What's interesting is that my mind is like this playground of metaphors, to the extent that I think in metaphors even while doing very mundane things like travelling, cooking, know...simple things like that!

So, for today's entry I thought I'd write down some of the most common metaphors that go through my mind when I think about my life and myself. Here goes:

  • My childhood has been like this smooth sailing ship that just took me from one port to another.
  • My parents have been like pillars, literally, I leaned on them for years even when I was a pillar myself.
  • My brother has been my superhero sidekick. What Robin is to Batman, he has been to me!
  • My friends through school were like the clouds. I felt they were only as close to me as the clouds are to the hill tops that they cruise by briefly.
  • Most of my other friends have been like politicians who would come to me when they wanted votes and then promise to be there for me and the rest is just obvious, no?
  • Church has been like an army training camp - I've learnt my hardest lessons there!
  • I've been Tom Hanks from Cast Away on my trip to the UK.
  • And most of all, Jesus has been the Carpenter......drilling me, poking me with these tools, driving nails into my head and shaping me.
I can go on forever! But this is enough for now.


Chand said...

Well said...and life is like the ocean, sometimes quiet, sometimes rather choppy, and most of the times with a few ripples :)

Anonymous said...

Chand...another are Drew Barrymore and I am Lucy from Charlie's Angels...we shall forever be girl crime fighting squad...bringing ppl like lilly and rose and doodie to their senses... hahahhaah

Anonymous said...

Another good blog baby...
Keep up the good job..