Monday 19 May 2008

Past Party

Yesterday was eventful. My flatmate and I had a house warming party and it was well refreshing. We had old and new friends over and while I got to meet some interesting new people, it was also fun catching up with older friends and talking about the past.

I realised something yesterday at the party. Most of our conversations somehow revolve around our past. It doesn't matter if it's really old past or recent past- but we are usually talking about what happened.

With people you meet for the first time, you are definitely talking about your entire past in a nutshell - 'Im from here, I did this, I did that, I lived here, my parents did this, that...'
With older friends its usually always more reminiscing. Remembering good old times, bad times, funny times, sad times,weird times, pointless times, all the rest!

But, strangely, I didn't regret any of these conversations. I mean - I don't regret any of my past. Yes, I've made mistakes. Yes, I bring them up in these talks. Yes, I also always talk about how they've changed me and how I made the best out of them.

So talk if you must with new and old friends. Tell the new ones what they don't know about yr past and thank the old ones for helping you have a past. Do this over some drinks and good music and there you are! A past party!

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