Monday 14 April 2008

Barack Obama and a lot of tea! Or non-sense talk? I can’t say!

I happened to be part of an interesting conversation last night. It was a heated deliberation with close friends over lots of tea as to whether Obama would make it to the presidential podium. Views and opinions flew across the room and each one of us had our go at the US electoral candidates. Judging them. Talking about their backgrounds. Their personalities – or what we perceive their personalities to be. What America needs now. What Iraq needs now. Yakety yak yak yak! It was a very engaging conversation indeed.

Don’t get mistaken. I’m not going to blog about the details of the conversation and have my breath wasted on who should be ruling America. I made an editorial decision long back that this blog wouldn’t air my personal political preferences and biases. I am writing about this conversation for other reasons.

I was quite intrigued at how interesting it is to discuss other people. I’ve always consciously or unconsciously been a part of it and it’s never seemed weird. I’m certain that discourse is a healthy thing but where does discourse end and vain talk begin?

Talking about Obama and other personalities like we know them and have the right to judge them all seems totally fine. But it’s amazing how much time we all spend talking about other people. It’s a thing that’s so instilled in us. I think the newspapers and tabloids do it a lot. It’s sort of instilled in us that it is our right to know and discuss about the lives and business of others. While most of this makes for positive speculation and very intelligent tea-talk, I am wondering how much of it is necessary. I know it’s not something that needs to be questioned but sometimes I have these moments when I wonder how many of our conversations really matter. By matter, I mean, how many of our talks affect the people we talk about or affect the issues we talk about?

I am not sure which school I belong to (if there are two schools like the ones I’m going to name now!!!) – the school that believes in don’t talk about people and matters that don’t directly affect you or the school that says let’s discuss everything to the little details and see what happens.

I probably am thinking too much about what maybe seemingly safe and entertaining pass times. But let’s face it. If I don’t write about what I think and feel it’s no point discussing about what other people are supposedly thinking or feeling or doing anyways! So yeah! May be a pointless blog entry but I beg to differ.


Anonymous said...

Good blog!!
Keep it up!!

Chand said...

I think that's what led to renaisance right? the fact that we came out as thinking individuals and started questioning everuything that was around us and started building opinions rather than just accepting what was told. Question! Question! It's not imp wether what you think has any life altering effect, the imp thing is that you atleast have an opinion.

Becky said...

yesh thats true!! I guess it's not a waste of time. I keep wondering at times if its wrong to be so opionionated! But can't change it yeah...write about it, ha??
